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Partners in
Smart design is more important than ever when designing schools that not only support your current teaching and learning practices, but can also inspire and easily adapt to evolving practices and technologies over time.
New Vista’s customized and targeted approach quickly educates your design team and school community on current research and best practices in school programming, facility design, and master planning, and engages a wide range of stakeholders in a visioning process that not only builds ownership and excitement, but ensures that your “future-forward” vision for your district and school can be fully realized.

Facility Design
Deeper Learning Network
- A network of more than 500 schoolsin forty-one states, the Deeper Learning Network is serving as a source of innovation and tools for delivering the knowledge, skills, and dispositions of deeper learning. The network is composed of a mix of 10 charter and traditional public schools, that include: Asia Sociey, Big Picture Learning, ConnectED, EdVisions Schools, New Tech NEtwork, and New Visions for Public Schools.
- New Vista's David Stephen has offered both project-based and learning and facility design workshops at Deeper Learning conferences that take place at High tech High in San Diego, CA.
Schools That Can
- Supporting a national network reform-minded urban schools, Schools That Can (STC) helps schools to reimagine education through the lens of real-world learning, and works witha cross-sector network of schools to empower leaders, develop teachers, and engage students round hands-on and real-world learning.
- New Vista's David Stephens worked with STC to help facilitate a variety of network convenings and workshops.
Agency by Design (Abd)
- A multi-year research initiative at Harvard School of Eucation's Project Zero, Agency by Design (AbD) investigates the promises, practices, and pedagogies of maker-centered learning experiences.
- New Vista's David Stephen worked with AbD affiliated schools to help them reenvision and transform theor school facilities and campuses in order to bettersupport a "Maker" approach to teaching and learning.
Oracle d.Tech High School
- The first industry-embedded high schoo lwith a predominately "Design Thinking" focus, Oracle d.Tech High School is located on the grounds of Oracle Corporation's main campus in Redwood City, CA, giving its 9-12 grade students access to over 6,000 computer technology professionals and a wide variety of site-and work-based learning opportunities.
- New Vista's David Stephen worked closely with the DES Architects and Oracle in the programming and design of its mold-breaking new facility.
Da Vinci Schools
- A dynamic network of charter schools working in partnership with a public school district on Los Angeles, CA, Da Vinci Schools' recently completed Wiseburn High School houses three thematically-focused, hands-on, and internship-focused school programs (Da Vinci Science, Da Vinci Desihn, and Da Vinci Communications) within a newly renovated office building near LAX.
- New Vista's David Stephen worked closelywith Da Vinci in the programming and design of its award winning new facility.
High Tech High Network of Schools
- A network of 16 highly successful ad project focused K-12, plus a Graduate School of Education in San Diego, CA, High Tech High receives over 5,000 visiitors annually,who come to learn from its thoughtful and project-based school program and practices.
- New Vista's David Stephen was a Co-Founder of the HTH Network, sserved as the Director of Curriculum for the flagship school, and Director of Design for the network's first six school facilities.
Learning Environments for Tomorrow (LEFT): Next Practices for Educators and Architects
- In this collaborative program offered at the Harvard Graduate School of Education, educational and design leaders from around the world convene annually to explore emerging trends shaping today and tomorrow’s educational environments.
- New Vista’s David Stephen has Co-Chaired the LEFT Institute since 2011
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